Red Dog and Me

This is an on-going dialog between me and a certain motor scooter, namely a 2009 Piaggio MP3 500 that came to live with me in October of 2009. I've named the scooter Red Dog and as yet have not determined its gender. In the past when I've named boats, bikes, and other like characters I've thought of them as feminine due to their behavior characteristics. Red Dog I'm not so sure about...we'll see. Update: OK, Red Dog's a girl...with an attitude

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Oct 14 2009 Red Dog arrives home

Fast forward to Oct 7th and I’d located a dealer in northern CA who had a red 500 in stock and was willing to deliver part way. We agreed to meet in Roseburg, OR at the branch office of my bank on the following Wednesday, Oct 14th at high noon.

Naturally it rained like the dickens and after the paper signing and trading my check for the title we unloaded Red Dog (new name for the beast) from his truck and onto my utility trailer. A brief check-out covering the basics and we shook hands and went our separate ways.

Heading home to Bandon the further west I drove the nicer the weather became. By the time I reached home it had stopped raining altogether and it was time to figure out how to unload her by myself. This proved simple enough, I nailed two sheets of plywood on top of the 2x8 ramps and with the front-end in the locked mode I was able to back her down using the hand brake to limit travel.

Then it was time for my first ride, but as it was late in the day I decided to wait until the next day and satisfied  myself with a few runs up and down the driveway. Getting the hang of how the front end works didn’t take long and I was soon comfortable with it. The automatic transmission seemed a bit strange at first but like the front end issue, it also became easy to deal with.

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